Heavy is just heavy, he moves as a snail, can't jump that well and he packs raw dynamite with all your weapons. The new class system can be fun but most of the time you notice how it turns the game stupider then what it should be, Scientists gives 5+ health each turn and are little less agile and not as strong as the normal Soldier, the Scout is by far the most dangerous one as he can jump higher, further and walk faster, even items and weapons alter a lot to your advantage - he is the weakest when it comes to firepower though. The game itself is pretty solid and it can be one of the more appealing Worms available to date, the water physics is very fun to play around with and you get a lot of different tools you can use to alter the effects of water: Plug Holes, Bunker Buster, Moles and pretty much anything the only thing stopping you is your imagination. We also get to play around with water effects which can drown, slow down or even cushion a worm falling from too great a height. There are the brand new classes which remind me somewhat of Team Fortress: the Soldier, Scout, Heavy and Scientist. Worms is an old classic but with Revolution you have new features that might keep you busy for a while. Worms Revolution is a turn based 2D strategy game where up to four players can use mines, bazookas and oil drums to eliminate their competition. Does difficulty affect any trophies: no.Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 (Story Mode & Puzzle Mode).Approximate amount of time to Platinum: 30-60 Hours.Estimated difficulty: 6.5/10 ( Platinum Difficulty Rating).